Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bisikan Nurani....

Assalamualaikum suma..... Pixels

Actually, aku x dak ada apa2 pun nk ckap. Sedang aku berFB, tiba2, sorang kawan aku ni, suruh aku jawab soalan drp tagging yg dia dpt drp someone. Utk pengetahuan pembaca sekalian, inilah soalannya..

Tag drp: Mawaddah..

RULES : Put your music library on shuffle. For each question, press the next button to get your answer. You must write that song title as the answer to the question, no matter how silly it sounds! Most of the time they seem to work though, strangely enough. Ok, go!When you're done, tag 20 people in this note, and make sure to tag the person who sent you this. The answer to #20 is the title of your note.

1. If someone says, "Is this okey ?" you say 
= Camelia (Irwansyah) 

2. How would you describe yourself ? 
= Taubat Seorang Hamba (Irsyadee feat Hafiz UNIC)

3. What do you like in a guy/girl ?
= Insan Bernama Kekasih (UNIC)

4. How do you feel today ? 
= Innocence (Avril Lavinge) * ^___^ 

5. What is your life's purpose ? 
= Permata (Aeman) 

6. What's your motto ? 
= Siti Khadijah (In-team) *InsyaAllah.. 

7. What do your friends think of you? 
= Akrab Persahabatan (In-team) *Ukhwah fillah abadan abada.. 

8. What do you think of your parents ?
= Wahai Ayah dan Ibu (UMAM) 

9. What do you think about every often ?
= Thank You Allah (Maher Zain) 

10. What is 2+2 ?
= For the Rest of My Life (Maher Zain) 

11. What do you think of your bestfriend(s) ?
= Sahabat (Devotees) *yeah..!! 

12. What do you think of the person you like ?
= Inspirasi Hati (Dehearty) *btul ke ni? =.= 

13. What is your life story ?
= PadaMu Selamanya (Saujana) *-___- 

14. What do you want to be when you grow up ?
= Satu Tekad (UNIC) 

15. What do you think of when you see the person you like ? 
= Selalu Ada (Aiman ft Heliza) *aishey 

16. What will you dance to your wedding ? 
= Barakallah (Maher Zain) *semestinya!! haha! 

17. What will they play at your funeral? 
= Selamat Tinggal Dunia (Suhaimi) 

18. What is your biggest fear?
= Senandung Al-Fatihah (Nur Irsyad) *mmg the biggest fear 

19. What is your biggest secret? 
= Hanya Tuhan yang Tahu (UNIC) 

20. What will you post this as? 
= Bisikan Nurani (In-team) *memang jwpn yg tulus dri nurani

#Sekarang, tag ni "dihadiahkan" buat sesiapa saja yg nk..
Tapi, jgn lupa credit!

Sekian utk post kali ini..

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